Saturday, April 26, 2008
Honey Bunches of Oats with Chocolate Clusters

Saturday, April 19, 2008
Free or Dirt Cheap
* travel size of Banana Boat sunscreen - free (used $1.00 coupon out of 4/13 paper)
*15 free prints from Wal-Greens (sorry this was a 1 day event, I found out about it via an email announcement from Wal-Greens)
*Meow Mix cat food sample -free (Wal-Mart free samples)
*Colgate Toothpaste - $0.19 (on sale for $2.19 at Target, used $1 coupon from 4/13 Smart Source insert and stacked with this $1/1 printable)
*2 packages of Clean Team flushable wipes refill packs - $0.14 each (used this $3/2 coupons)
*Johnson's Buddies easy-grip Sudzing Bar - free (used coupon from newspaper but later found a $2/2 coupon so I'll be going back for more).
Yummy Indeed!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Playing Hallmark
Thanks Lane for a little motivation. I had stamped Caleb's feet a while back and kept meaning to make a few cards to use for thank you notes and baby shower cards but have been putting it off. After seeing Lane's post I finally decided to dust off my card making skills the other day while Caleb was a sleep. I forgot how much I like doing this. A friend and I use to get together every now and then and "play Hallmark" as we called it. We should get some of the girls from church together sometime and "play Hallmark".
Thursday, April 17, 2008
7 Random Things About Me
Looks like I've been "tagged" by Mary Jo.
Here are 7 random things about me:
1. I played 2nd base on the guys baseball team my Sr. year of High School, granted I didn't go to a very big school but I still think it's pretty neat. I wasn't the best hitter but I was pretty decent in the field. It worked out pretty good that one of the guys on the team wasn't very good defensively so he would often come in as a DH for me.
2. I love kids school supplies. Even though I'm no longer in school I love to go up and down the aisle and come up with any excuse to buy a new notebook, folder or even a box of crayons. I originally thought about going into elementary education before making the decision to get my Human Resource Management degree.
3. One of David's and my favorite date nights is Thursday night shows, Great Value brand chocolate chip cookies (the slice and bake kind) and a thin crust 1/2 pepperoni and green olives, 1/2 sausage and black olives pizza.
4. Like Dallas I also secretly enjoy America's Next Top Model. I'm not really sure when new episodes come on so I end up mostly watching re-runs of the same cycle over and over again.
5. I use to take piano lessons when I was younger. I unfortunately haven't played in several years so I'm not sure I even still have the hand eye coordination to play. I really wish I was like David and could play by ear but unfortunately I am tied to the sheet music. I really should dust off the old keys and get back into playing. This will be something neat to teach Caleb later on.
6. I LOVE children's books. This will probably be a bit of a weakness for me with Caleb. We already have a nice start of Dr. Seuss books for him. One of my favorite kid's books right now is Max Lucado's "You Are Special". I also love ones that I read when I was younger like "Ferdinand the Bull", "The Five Chinese Brothers", "All about Corduroy", "The Fire Cat", etc.
7. Along the same line as number 6 I like the Laura Ingalls Wilder books. My 2nd grade teacher use to read these to us. It was one of those things that the kids always expected. She always read the Laura Wilder Ingalls books to her class and the 5th grade teacher would read Judy Blume books. For my birthday David bought me the box set of the first 5 LIW books.
Here are the rules:
--Link to the person who tagged you.
--Post the rules in your blog entry.
--Share 7 random, or weird, facts about yourself.
--Tag 7 random people at the end of the post, linking to them.
--Leave a comment on their blog so that they know they’ve been tagged.
You are suppose to tag 7 other people but unfortunately most of my blogger friends have already been tagged.
I tag:
Here are 7 random things about me:
1. I played 2nd base on the guys baseball team my Sr. year of High School, granted I didn't go to a very big school but I still think it's pretty neat. I wasn't the best hitter but I was pretty decent in the field. It worked out pretty good that one of the guys on the team wasn't very good defensively so he would often come in as a DH for me.
2. I love kids school supplies. Even though I'm no longer in school I love to go up and down the aisle and come up with any excuse to buy a new notebook, folder or even a box of crayons. I originally thought about going into elementary education before making the decision to get my Human Resource Management degree.
3. One of David's and my favorite date nights is Thursday night shows, Great Value brand chocolate chip cookies (the slice and bake kind) and a thin crust 1/2 pepperoni and green olives, 1/2 sausage and black olives pizza.
4. Like Dallas I also secretly enjoy America's Next Top Model. I'm not really sure when new episodes come on so I end up mostly watching re-runs of the same cycle over and over again.
5. I use to take piano lessons when I was younger. I unfortunately haven't played in several years so I'm not sure I even still have the hand eye coordination to play. I really wish I was like David and could play by ear but unfortunately I am tied to the sheet music. I really should dust off the old keys and get back into playing. This will be something neat to teach Caleb later on.
6. I LOVE children's books. This will probably be a bit of a weakness for me with Caleb. We already have a nice start of Dr. Seuss books for him. One of my favorite kid's books right now is Max Lucado's "You Are Special". I also love ones that I read when I was younger like "Ferdinand the Bull", "The Five Chinese Brothers", "All about Corduroy", "The Fire Cat", etc.
7. Along the same line as number 6 I like the Laura Ingalls Wilder books. My 2nd grade teacher use to read these to us. It was one of those things that the kids always expected. She always read the Laura Wilder Ingalls books to her class and the 5th grade teacher would read Judy Blume books. For my birthday David bought me the box set of the first 5 LIW books.
Here are the rules:
--Link to the person who tagged you.
--Post the rules in your blog entry.
--Share 7 random, or weird, facts about yourself.
--Tag 7 random people at the end of the post, linking to them.
--Leave a comment on their blog so that they know they’ve been tagged.
You are suppose to tag 7 other people but unfortunately most of my blogger friends have already been tagged.
I tag:
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Coupons, Freebies and More!
I'll admit when David first decided to start our family blog I wasn't exactly crazy about the idea and thought it was a little silly. I mean why would I want to sit and expose my thoughts for the world to see and who really would care about what was going on in the Winberry household. Well, I'll have to admit I'm really starting to enjoy the world of blogging and also enjoy reading others blogs (I don't think of myself as a "lurker" since I have my own blog and to be honest am not really crazy about that term so CB read away). I love how blogging now connects friend and families out of state to Caleb's development, reading about others passion and love for the Lord (BTW did you know Patsy Clairmont has a blog?), journaling about Caleb, learning how other Christian women deal with the joys and frustrations of motherhood, finding out more about my Christian family at Southside, sharing recipes (ok so I haven't shared one yet but I enjoy others that do), and my new favorite obsession discovering how other moms are saving money on groceries and in same cases are receiving them for free. This is something I just accidentally stumbled upon last week while I was home sick and I love it. Here is an example of some of the things that I recently received for FREE! In fact Wal-Mart actually paid me $1.00 for the cereal.
While checking out random blogs tied to some of the ones I typically read I stumbled across "Money Saving Mom" and was just amazed at what some ladies have figured out. Now I already new about the free samples site on Walmart.com and have enjoyed various samples of diapers, toothpaste, lotion, etc. but this is just amateur work compared to what these ladies are doing! You have got to check it out. These women have it down to a science. So I've decided to experiment a little myself using tips and coupons from the site and here is how I received the items above for free and Wal-Mart paid me a $1.00 to shop with them.
1. I was able to get a roll of film developed at Wal-greens for free by printing off a coupon on their website. (sorry this was a one day special)
2. I received the Scotch-Brite Disposable Toilet Scrubber with Bleach Starter Kit for free by using this coupon (4/25/08 update: this coupon is no longer available)
3. Certain flavors of Malt-O-Meal cereal are on rollback for $1 at Wal-Mart. Use this coupon for $1.50 off plus, go ahead and get some more for free using this $1 off coupon! I was actually able to print of the $1.50 coupon twice. So 3 bags at $1.00 each minus 2/$1.50 coupons and 1/$1.00 coupon = $1.00 extra in my pocket book (I'm not sure all places will give you the overage like this but I was lucky and they did at the store I went to).
I'm currently on the hunt for the McDonald's Spring Treat coupons ($1 will buy 12 free coupons for various items such as ice cream, kid size drink, small fry,etc.) that I read about. Let me know if any of you see these.
1. I was able to get a roll of film developed at Wal-greens for free by printing off a coupon on their website. (sorry this was a one day special)
2. I received the Scotch-Brite Disposable Toilet Scrubber with Bleach Starter Kit for free by using this coupon (4/25/08 update: this coupon is no longer available)
3. Certain flavors of Malt-O-Meal cereal are on rollback for $1 at Wal-Mart. Use this coupon for $1.50 off plus, go ahead and get some more for free using this $1 off coupon! I was actually able to print of the $1.50 coupon twice. So 3 bags at $1.00 each minus 2/$1.50 coupons and 1/$1.00 coupon = $1.00 extra in my pocket book (I'm not sure all places will give you the overage like this but I was lucky and they did at the store I went to).
I'm currently on the hunt for the McDonald's Spring Treat coupons ($1 will buy 12 free coupons for various items such as ice cream, kid size drink, small fry,etc.) that I read about. Let me know if any of you see these.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
5 Months Old
Happy 5 months Caleb! Here are some things that you have been doing.
1. You are drooling like a mad man but still no sign of teeth
2. You can push up on your arms while on your tummy but are still just teasing us and haven't decided to roll over.
3. You love putting your feet in your mouth

4. You think making spit bubbles and raspberry sounds is quite fun
5. You still think bath time is the best thing ever. You love to kick your feet really fast and see just how much water you can splash everywhere.
6. You put EVERYTHING in your mouth
7. You have discovered what a cup is and think you need to reach out for it every time you see one. Saturday we finally decided to let you take a sip of water and see how you would react. You handled it like a pro and didn't even get choked.

8. You have moved out of the Moses basket in our room and are now sleeping in your crib
9. You have figured out how to use your foot to bring the toy at the end of your bouncy seat up close enough that you can grab onto it and pull yourself up into a sitting position.

10. You think it's fun to grab Daddy's glasses but are still pretty good about not bothering Mommy's
1. You are drooling like a mad man but still no sign of teeth
2. You can push up on your arms while on your tummy but are still just teasing us and haven't decided to roll over.
3. You love putting your feet in your mouth
4. You think making spit bubbles and raspberry sounds is quite fun
5. You still think bath time is the best thing ever. You love to kick your feet really fast and see just how much water you can splash everywhere.
6. You put EVERYTHING in your mouth
7. You have discovered what a cup is and think you need to reach out for it every time you see one. Saturday we finally decided to let you take a sip of water and see how you would react. You handled it like a pro and didn't even get choked.
8. You have moved out of the Moses basket in our room and are now sleeping in your crib
9. You have figured out how to use your foot to bring the toy at the end of your bouncy seat up close enough that you can grab onto it and pull yourself up into a sitting position.
10. You think it's fun to grab Daddy's glasses but are still pretty good about not bothering Mommy's
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired
Ugh! I think it has been a while since I felt this awful. It all started Thursday morning when I woke up with a bit of sinus pressure that steadily got worse. I finally went to the Dr. on Monday when my throat hurt so bad I couldn't stand it any longer. I can honestly say I have never had a sore throat that hurt so bad that it kept me up at night. I finally got so desperate that I rubbed some of Caleb's teething gel on the part of my throat that I could reach to try to get some relief. I am thankful that we haven't had to use this yet on Caleb but I feel sorry for him when we do because that stuff tasted nasty. I'm not sure who thought watermelon flavored Orajel was a good idea but I can attest that in my opinion it's not. The Dr. seemed impressed that I thought to do this and ended up giving me some lidocaine instead. I'm going to have to say that it didn't taste much better and was extremely thick but it does have a nice numbing effect to it. The Dr. was a bit surprised that I didn't have strep throat and ended up giving me a Z pack. On top of already not feeling well I think I must have also had a touch of the flu and ended up running fever all night Monday night and yesterday and was extemely chilled when I went to bed Monday night. This would have been ok if I could have just slept through it but unfortunately I haven't been able to really sleep until last night. Luckily I've had a great support team and am hopefully on the road to recovery. David has been great ,as always, about taking care of Caleb and has even gone to the store twice to get me kleenex. He even was sweet and bought one box that had Vicks in it. I ran out yesterday and told him that I would just use toilet paper but he didn't think that was a good idea on a sore noise and headed back to the store for more. Nana and Papa (David's parents) have been great about watching Caleb even though I haven't been able to go to work and have been giving me a chance to get a little rest. Truth be known there is no way we could have deprived them of their time with Caleb this week and they would have come and got him if we wouldn't have taken him to their house (that little boy is definitely loved). Little Caleb has even been doing his share to help out and has been the best little guy. Last night he slept from about 8:30p to 7:00a this morning. He let out a couple little "ahs" in the middle of the night but they never developed to a cry and he went right back to sleep. This morning he woke up and was just laying in his crib playing with his feet when we went in to get him. He LOVES his feet and has discovered how to put his toes in his mouth. This is the best toy ever as far as he is concerned.
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