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*You know what a dog says but won't say dog or puppy and recognize a cat and will say "itty or kitty" but won't say meow.
*You can make fish lips
*You know how to brush your teeth and recognize which is the toothbrush and which is the toothpaste.
*You will hand Dada your toothbrush, toothpaste or bubbles when he asks while giving you your bath.
*You will give us 5 when we ask
*You will often give us a kiss when we ask
*You know how to brush your hair
*When we tell you it's time to change your diaper you go to our room where we usually change your diaper
*You know what "clap" means
*You can show us where your eye, forehead, nose, ear, tongue and hair are
*You will reach up and grab our hand and walk beside us if we put our hand down in gesture for you to grab it. This is one of my favorite things right now.
and on and on and on...........
We love you lots and looks forward to all the new things you will do tomorrow and each day as you continue to grow, learn and discover.
After cake and ice cream I looked around for David and Caleb so we could start getting ready to go. I looked around the whole place and couldn't find them until David finally got my attention from inside one of the inflatables. Caleb had finally warmed up to the idea and loved hanging out in there with his Dada and didn't mind at all being knocked over by the older kids. David said that Caleb would just laugh and laugh any time he got knocked over.
Good times!