Thursday, December 20, 2007

An Apple a Day Keeps the Dr. Away

Today was our first trip to the pediatrician outside of our routine check-up. I finally decided to break down and go ahead and call the Dr. and see if we needed to come in or not. I figured most of my concerns were just new mom jitters but Caleb has been hoarse for the last 3 days and very restless and irritable. Come to find out he does have a virus and his throat is red and sore. Poor baby, it definitely makes me not feel as bad to hold him today and try to console him. Unfortunately there isn't much we can do other than give him Tylenol and be patient as he cries. We also found out he now weights 9 lbs. 8 oz. !

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about his cold! That is the worst!

    Matthew thinks David looks really different in the picture from Caleb's birth :).
