Monday, December 29, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Happy Christmas Eve!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Ho! Ho! Ho!

Friday, December 12, 2008
What Goes Down, Must Come Up......
This has been our new best friend this week and has saved us some nasty stains on the carpet. We both have gotten pretty good at knowing the signs of when he is going to get sick.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Say It Isn't So
Well the day I feared was coming before too long is finally here. I decided to brave the cold tonight and venture out to my local Wal-Mart for a little shopping adventure only to hear the words that I had hoped would never be uttered " I'm sorry we no longer accept internet coupons". What! Doesn't the cashier attending to me know that my time is very precious and I can not have the time back that I just spent wondering the aisles and double/triple checking the wording on each and every coupon I was planning on using to make sure it correctly matched up with the items in my cart. Doesn't he know that I'm not one of those who makes copies of internet coupons and knowingly uses them fraudulently? Doesn't he know that I like coupon shopping and he has just stolen one of my true joys away from me? No he doesn't know this nor does he really care but I will say in his defense that he was very polite and didn't mind as I asked for my coupons back and proceeded to have him take the items off of my transaction.
I'm hoping that my local, very friendly, cashier was mistaken and this is not Wal-Mart's new policy but I am afraid that he is probably correct and the dreaded day has arrived and the misuse of some have ruined it for the rest of us. For those of you that enjoy the hunt of a good bargain and enjoy the clipping of a good coupon can you please join your local, neighborhood Wal-Mart shoppers for a moment of silence as we grieve the loss of the use of our beloved paper money in the form of internet coupons (at least at Wal-Mart). Sniff, sniff!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Thanksgiving Pies
First we cut our pie crust in half so we could make two small pies. Check out that look of concentration.
Then we pinched the edges of our crust together. I think Grandma Foster would have been very proud of our technique.
Last we added a little butter and sugar on top and baked them in the oven (sorry no picture).
I think Caleb is definitely going to end up being my little helper in the kitchen. He has already been very busy assisting his Nana make cookies. Nana and Papa think the cookies that Caleb helps with are some of the best. I have to admit our pies turned our pretty good and I'm sure it was all because of Caleb's help. Who knows maybe the two of us will take this act on the road and start our own cooking show.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Gobble, Gobble
Sunday, November 23, 2008
20/20 Vision
Friday, November 21, 2008
Cold Turkey
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wal-Mart Deals
Sunday, November 16, 2008
First Haircut
Monday, November 10, 2008
Happy 1st Birthday Caleb!
I'm so glad that I was able to spend the day with you today. It was nice to just hang out and snuggle and be lazy together on this rainy day. Tonight we celebrated your birthday by going out to eat with Nana and Papa at Outback Steak House. You enjoyed eating potato soup, bread, green beans and baked potato. They even brought you out a hot fudge sundae to help celebrate your birthday. You loved sticking your hands in the whip cream and I brought a candle for us to light and sing happy birthday.
It is so fun to just watch you learn and grow. Each day you seem to be learning and discovering more and more. You love to roll around on the floor and wrestle. You think it is tons of fun to be tickled and have the best little laugh and squeal ever. You know how to blow your nose if we ask (thanks Papa). You can click your tongue and make all kinds of sounds with your mouth. If we ask you where the light is you look up and typically will point up. You will give us a kiss when we ask you to. Sometimes it is a wide open mouth kiss, others times you will pooch your lips to together a little and sometimes you simple just put your lips up to us.
Some words you can say are bye (typically followed by a wave), mama, Dada, dad, daddy and itty which equals kitty. You know how to roar if we ask you what a lion says and typically a puppy says boof, boof.
You have always been so alert and are all in all a very active little boy. Yesterday you decided to finally take your first steps unassisted. You love to eat and I'm not sure there is a food that you do not like. A few foods you really seem to like are yogurt, sweet potatoes and corn. Right now you have to have what ever Daddy and I are eating and you like getting to drink out of a straw.
We love you so much and are so glad that God has blessed and enriched our family with you. I'll admit it isn't always easy and we have definitely had to make some adjustments (ie. we no longer can just jump in the car and go, we can't travel quite as light anymore and naps are now on someone elses schedule) but we wouldn't trade this time for anything. I pray that God will continue to show your Daddy and I how to be the parents that he wants us to be and that we will learn to be the example to you of how to walk in his ways.
Happy Birthday!

9 months
1 year
42 Women Strong!
Friday, November 7, 2008
See You Tonight!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween
Then we were off to Nana and Papa's for some more trick or treating fun. Caleb got to ring the doorbell and had his first gummy bugs. It was so funny watching him eat them with his cheeks all pooched out.
Not done yet......next stop was the Springdale/Bentonville football game where Papa was the honorary captain. He loved being outside and enjoyed crawling on the field, listening to the band and watching all the people. We stayed for the first quarter and then decided it was probably time to get our little guy into bed.
We finally made it home where a very tired little boy didn't put up any kind of fight in going to bed.
Happy 1st Halloween Caleb!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Happy Birthday........
Caitlin & Sierra
The first of October we went back to my brother's to celebrate my twin nieces 5th birthday. They decided on a princess/pumpkin theme. We had lots of fun carving a pumpkin, helping Steph put their cake together, making paperplate jack-o-lanters, playing pin the nose on the pumpkin and even Caleb got in on the fun of hitting the pinata. The girls were a little under the weather and didn't feel 100% but they seemed to still have a great time.
Last weekend we helped celebrate Kate's 2nd birthday at Gymboree. This was a great birthday party idea and the kids had a lot of fun playing. Caleb enjoyed climbing around and getting to play with the musical instruments.
The birthday girl
Caleb eating cupcake with his friend Jacob