Friday, November 21, 2008

Cold Turkey

Today was Caleb's first day without a bottle! At home he was already down to just a bottle when he first woke up and one before he went to bed so I was hoping that this would be a smooth transition for him. He did great! I think it's actually been harder on David and I to give up this last piece of him being a baby than it seems to be so far on Caleb. I wasn't sure what he would think this morning when he didn't get his morning fix. He hesitated at first when we handed him a sippy cup and refused it but a little later in the morning he decided he didn't mind. He has already been taking a sippy cup for a while so we weren't totally switching things around on him. He went to his bottle drawer tonight before bed and started digging around but I gave him a drink of milk (Yep we also switched to whole milk today!) from his cup and we headed off to bed. He didn't put up any fuss about not getting a bottle before bed. We'll see how tomorrow goes but today wasn't bad at all. Ugh, our little guy is definitely growing up.


  1. Yep, he is growing up, fast! They ALL are - cannot believe it! Just think, no more bottles to wash - yea!

  2. Matthew and I had a similar convo. tonight. Nora has been doing pretty well potty-training...actually, great! We said, it's sad that our baby is turning into such a big girl. It's been harder on us than her. How much did Caleb weigh yesterday?

  3. That's how we did all 3 of the kids. Jeremiah was the hardest for us because he was going to be our last. (at least that is our plan- god could always change that). i'm proud of you... i know letting him get bigger is hard to do! enjoy it all!

  4. Time to get started on a little sister...don't put those bottles away just yet!
