Thursday, May 22, 2008

6 month check-up

Caleb was the best at the doctor's office today. He loved sitting on the table in his diaper as we waited and discovered a new toy in the paper they put on them. He thought it was tons of fun to bang on it and loved the noises it made and thought it was super neat to tear it. I decided he wasn't harming anything and let him go at it until his little heart was content. He also enjoyed the way the room echoed and had fun making noise and listening to himself.
Today we were in the ocean room.

I'm always amazed by our little trooper when it comes shot time. He did great today and made me very proud. I'm so glad he was easy to console back to happiness because I really felt bad when they caught him off guard while he innocently played with his toy. I got a little teary eyed on this one because he was in the best mood and had no clue what was awaiting him. Luckily I just had to pick him up and he calmed down within the matter of seconds and didn't make a peep about it the rest of the day. He ended up getting an oral vaccine, one shot in the right leg and two in the left leg. He didn't get a sucker but was able to sport some very nice shiny, silver band-aids.

Today's stats:
weight - 15lbs 12 oz (almost 25th percentile)
length - 27 1/4 inches (75th percentile)
head - 17 inches (50th percentile)

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