Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Sitting Pretty
Aauugh! I couldn't believe what I saw on the baby monitor early Monday morning. Caleb decided that he really wasn't interested in sleeping through the night so around 2:30 Monday morning he decided to test his lungs a little bit. It was really a sad attempt at throwing a fit and was really more of a test of whether or not we would get up and come get him. I decided to let him cry it out a little bit (mean old mom) and just watch him on the monitor. He had worked himself into the corner of the crib where I couldn't really see him and all of a sudden he pops up out of no where. Let me explain he went from laying down to sitting up. This may not be a big deal to some but this was the first time that he has worked himself into a sitting position. I think he was even shocked because he stopped crying, looked around, made a couple more attempts at crying, then stopped and looked around stunned again. He ended up laying back down for a few minutes before sitting back up again. By the time I got up to go into his room he had worked himself over to the side of the crib and had pulled up onto his knees! Needless to say the crib mattress was lowered that night. Typically we don't fasten the small drop down section of his crib but something made me do it that night. I don't think he can pull himself all the way up but hey I guess anything can happen and I'm not taking the chance of him falling over the rail onto our hard stained concrete floors.
New Chair

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Free Thomas Train!
***Update (
6/28/08) Unfortunately it looks like Toys 'R' Us is no longer accepting this coupon. The store manager tried to give me some explanation as to why since the coupon isn't expired but to be honest it really didn't make any sense and sounds more like the coupon was more popular than they thought it would be. *****

Looking for a birthday gift or perhaps are one of those overachievers who has actually already started their Christmas shopping? Thanks to More Than Enough for posting this coupon for a free Thomas train at Toys 'R' Us (up to $12.99). David and I actually tried this out while we were by Toys 'R' Us on Saturday and were each able to get Caleb a train. You have to pay the sales tax but you don't have to make any other purchase to qualify.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day David!
I am so glad that God placed the two of us together. I can't imagine experiencing this adventure of parenthood with anyone else. I love watching you with Caleb and know that the two of you will always be the best of friends. Thanks for everything that you do and for being the best Daddy, husband and friend!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Cereal Coupons

While David and I aren't normally big cereal eaters we have been finding ourselves eating it more and more as I have discovered some additional coupons. There were a few of you that commented last time I posted the cereal coupons for Honey Bunches of Oats (click here to see old post) so I thought I would pass a ong a few more that I found thanks to Denise at The Centsible Sawyer. Click here, here, here and here to print out additional $2/1 coupons for Honey Bunches of Oats with Chocolate Clusters. These are currently $1.98 at Wal-Mart which makes them free after the coupon.
I also found $1/1 coupon for Honey Nut Cheerios at More Than Enough. Click here to print your coupon. Target has the single serving cups for $0.97 which makes them free with the coupon. If you hit your backspace button after printing any of the coupons you can typically print out at least one more before you get a message letting you know you've printed out the limited amount. If you have more than one computer you can usually print these off at each computer since in most cases the system that tracks how many you have printed is tied to your computers IP address.

For those of you that are interested I've added the links on my sidebar to the websites I utilize to find printable coupons or learn about current sales.
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