While David and I aren't normally big cereal eaters we have been finding ourselves eating it more and more as I have discovered some additional coupons. There were a few of you that commented last time I posted the cereal coupons for Honey Bunches of Oats (click here to see old post) so I thought I would pass a ong a few more that I found thanks to Denise at The Centsible Sawyer. Click here, here, here and here to print out additional $2/1 coupons for Honey Bunches of Oats with Chocolate Clusters. These are currently $1.98 at Wal-Mart which makes them free after the coupon.
I also found $1/1 coupon for Honey Nut Cheerios at More Than Enough. Click here to print your coupon. Target has the single serving cups for $0.97 which makes them free with the coupon. If you hit your backspace button after printing any of the coupons you can typically print out at least one more before you get a message letting you know you've printed out the limited amount. If you have more than one computer you can usually print these off at each computer since in most cases the system that tracks how many you have printed is tied to your computers IP address.

For those of you that are interested I've added the links on my sidebar to the websites I utilize to find printable coupons or learn about current sales.
Girl, I am impressed with your $$$ sense! I am going to keep following your lead!