Sunday, November 30, 2008
Gobble, Gobble
We had a great Thanksgiving and enjoyed getting to host the Foster family Thanksgiving at our house this year. We definitely missed my Grandma Foster and while the location this year had changed from my Grandma's house as she is no longer with us the sense of love and family was still there. It was a beautiful day outside and it was nice to get to spend some time outside and have the windows open for a little while. David fixed his first turkey this year and I think Martha Stewart would have been proud. It was a very nice looking and tasting bird. I hope you enjoyed time with your families and were able to spend a few moments reflecting on the things you have to be thankful for. I am thankful for my family, the memories of my Grandma Foster and for friendships both old and new.

Sunday, November 23, 2008
20/20 Vision
Caleb tried to help his Daddy pick out some new frames yesterday. Here's a sample of some of the ones that Caleb tried on.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Cold Turkey
Today was Caleb's first day without a bottle! At home he was already down to just a bottle when he first woke up and one before he went to bed so I was hoping that this would be a smooth transition for him. He did great! I think it's actually been harder on David and I to give up this last piece of him being a baby than it seems to be so far on Caleb. I wasn't sure what he would think this morning when he didn't get his morning fix. He hesitated at first when we handed him a sippy cup and refused it but a little later in the morning he decided he didn't mind. He has already been taking a sippy cup for a while so we weren't totally switching things around on him. He went to his bottle drawer tonight before bed and started digging around but I gave him a drink of milk (Yep we also switched to whole milk today!) from his cup and we headed off to bed. He didn't put up any fuss about not getting a bottle before bed. We'll see how tomorrow goes but today wasn't bad at all. Ugh, our little guy is definitely growing up.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wal-Mart Deals
It's been a little while since I've posted any coupons deals so I thought I would pass along the list that "Centsible Savings" put together (click here) of deals at Wal-Mart. She even took the time to attach the links to the ones that have printable coupons. Keep in mind the prices may vary slightly depending upon which Wal-Mart you are shopping at but the deals I took advantage of were pretty close in price. I ended up buying the larger box of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda so it was $0.54 vs $0.48 as listed on "Centsible Savings" which made it $0.04 a box! I also took advantage of the Viva paper towel and Wet wipes coupons. The Nestle hot chocolate was $1.00 at my local Wal-Mart vs. $0.75 but still not a shabby deal. Happy shopping!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
First Haircut
Caleb had his first haircut last week (11/11/08)! He acted like such a big boy and made Daddy and I very proud. He sat all big and tall on the booster seat and didn't protest at all. He didn't even mind Shawna putting the cape on him. He looked around when she first started cutting his hair but she handed him a comb and he just sat there and didn't make any type of fuss like he had had several haircuts before. Now don't get me wrong he looked around a couple of times to see what she was doing but he was very good. Shawna even commented on how well he did and was just as proud of him as we were. She trimmed the back of his hair and his bangs. He thought it was fun at the end to get to comb Shawna's hair.

Monday, November 10, 2008
Happy 1st Birthday Caleb!
Happy birthday Caleb! It's hard to believe that a year ago today we were getting ready to meet you for the first time. I still remember holding you and just saying over and over how pretty you were. I thought you had the most perfect little lips and nose and still do. People told us that the time would fly by but I had no idea how quickly. It seems like we just blinked and you turned 1! Even after all the blogging, pictures taken and video shot it still doesn't seem enough. I hope that I never forget your first year of life.
I'm so glad that I was able to spend the day with you today. It was nice to just hang out and snuggle and be lazy together on this rainy day. Tonight we celebrated your birthday by going out to eat with Nana and Papa at Outback Steak House. You enjoyed eating potato soup, bread, green beans and baked potato. They even brought you out a hot fudge sundae to help celebrate your birthday. You loved sticking your hands in the whip cream and I brought a candle for us to light and sing happy birthday.
It is so fun to just watch you learn and grow. Each day you seem to be learning and discovering more and more. You love to roll around on the floor and wrestle. You think it is tons of fun to be tickled and have the best little laugh and squeal ever. You know how to blow your nose if we ask (thanks Papa). You can click your tongue and make all kinds of sounds with your mouth. If we ask you where the light is you look up and typically will point up. You will give us a kiss when we ask you to. Sometimes it is a wide open mouth kiss, others times you will pooch your lips to together a little and sometimes you simple just put your lips up to us.
You have always been so alert and are all in all a very active little boy. Yesterday you decided to finally take your first steps unassisted. You love to eat and I'm not sure there is a food that you do not like. A few foods you really seem to like are yogurt, sweet potatoes and corn. Right now you have to have what ever Daddy and I are eating and you like getting to drink out of a straw.
We love you so much and are so glad that God has blessed and enriched our family with you. I'll admit it isn't always easy and we have definitely had to make some adjustments (ie. we no longer can just jump in the car and go, we can't travel quite as light anymore and naps are now on someone elses schedule) but we wouldn't trade this time for anything. I pray that God will continue to show your Daddy and I how to be the parents that he wants us to be and that we will learn to be the example to you of how to walk in his ways.
Happy Birthday!

9 months

I'm so glad that I was able to spend the day with you today. It was nice to just hang out and snuggle and be lazy together on this rainy day. Tonight we celebrated your birthday by going out to eat with Nana and Papa at Outback Steak House. You enjoyed eating potato soup, bread, green beans and baked potato. They even brought you out a hot fudge sundae to help celebrate your birthday. You loved sticking your hands in the whip cream and I brought a candle for us to light and sing happy birthday.
It is so fun to just watch you learn and grow. Each day you seem to be learning and discovering more and more. You love to roll around on the floor and wrestle. You think it is tons of fun to be tickled and have the best little laugh and squeal ever. You know how to blow your nose if we ask (thanks Papa). You can click your tongue and make all kinds of sounds with your mouth. If we ask you where the light is you look up and typically will point up. You will give us a kiss when we ask you to. Sometimes it is a wide open mouth kiss, others times you will pooch your lips to together a little and sometimes you simple just put your lips up to us.
Yours eyes sparkle every time you laugh or smile and are still very blue. You like books, being outside and love music. You often will hum or sing especially if you hear Daddy doing it. You love to dance when you hear music which either consists of you pumping your legs up and down or bouncing and kicking your feet if you are sitting.
Some words you can say are bye (typically followed by a wave), mama, Dada, dad, daddy and itty which equals kitty. You know how to roar if we ask you what a lion says and typically a puppy says boof, boof.
Some words you can say are bye (typically followed by a wave), mama, Dada, dad, daddy and itty which equals kitty. You know how to roar if we ask you what a lion says and typically a puppy says boof, boof.
You have always been so alert and are all in all a very active little boy. Yesterday you decided to finally take your first steps unassisted. You love to eat and I'm not sure there is a food that you do not like. A few foods you really seem to like are yogurt, sweet potatoes and corn. Right now you have to have what ever Daddy and I are eating and you like getting to drink out of a straw.
We love you so much and are so glad that God has blessed and enriched our family with you. I'll admit it isn't always easy and we have definitely had to make some adjustments (ie. we no longer can just jump in the car and go, we can't travel quite as light anymore and naps are now on someone elses schedule) but we wouldn't trade this time for anything. I pray that God will continue to show your Daddy and I how to be the parents that he wants us to be and that we will learn to be the example to you of how to walk in his ways.
Happy Birthday!

3 months
6 months
9 months
1 year
42 Women Strong!
What a great weekend! We ended up having 42 women at this year's retreat (35 on Friday and 7 more joined us on Saturday). It was great hanging out, being silly together and sharing time in God's word. I appreciate everyone that had a hand in making the retreat a success and for those that choice to join us. I can't wait to see the pictures Sherry took and appreciate everyone for being such a good sport. See you next year!
Friday, November 7, 2008
See You Tonight!
Are you packed and ready to go! We currently are expecting 47 ladies at this year's Women's Retreat "What Not to Wear"! There's space still available so grab your sleeping bag and join us for a great weekend. I'm so excited and am looking forward to hanging out with everyone.

Thanks Dallas for helping out at the registration table!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween
Caleb had a very busy day yesterday celebrating the last of his first holidays (ie first Halloween). He has been recovering from a stomach bug and was a bit tired all day as he didn't have much of a nap but he was definietely a little trooper and enjoyed the day. We started off the day by going to see Grandma at her work. I'm not exactly sure why he got so tickled but he would all but cackle ever time she put a piece of candy in his little bucket. Grandma took him trick or treating at some of the different floors in her building. He liked putting things in his bucket and enjoyed the tiniest of sampling of a small Hershey bar that he got in his mouth and proceeded to put a death lock on in hopes of eating more. It took both of us to get it out of his mouth.

Next we had some errands to take care of and then got a quick cat nap in before going to see Daddy at his office. Caleb was a bit overwhelmed as there were a TON of kids trick or treating there. He was also a bit out of it since he had just woke up so we found one of the few areas were there wasn't anyone and let him roam around a little bit and wake up.

Then we were off to Nana and Papa's for some more trick or treating fun. Caleb got to ring the doorbell and had his first gummy bugs. It was so funny watching him eat them with his cheeks all pooched out.

Then we were off to Nana and Papa's for some more trick or treating fun. Caleb got to ring the doorbell and had his first gummy bugs. It was so funny watching him eat them with his cheeks all pooched out.
Not done stop was the Springdale/Bentonville football game where Papa was the honorary captain. He loved being outside and enjoyed crawling on the field, listening to the band and watching all the people. We stayed for the first quarter and then decided it was probably time to get our little guy into bed.
We finally made it home where a very tired little boy didn't put up any kind of fight in going to bed.
Happy 1st Halloween Caleb!
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