Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
He's Getting So Big
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Happy 2nd Birthday Caleb!
Is it really possible that you are 2 today?! Your Daddy and I are in such denial and can't believe that another year has come and gone. You are such a blessing to us and we can't imagine our home without you in it. You are full of life and have tons of energy and although this keeps us very busy and on our toes we wouldn't want it any other way. Here is just a few things about you:
*We have converted your crib into a toddler bed and you have done great with the change. Daddy and I still can't believe how easy you made the transition.
*You apparently do not like sleeping in socks and it is a rarity if you actually make it through the night with them still on.
*You LOVE books and at night typically say "read" and want us to read you a book before bed. I'm sure this is partly a stall tactic but none the less I don't think a day goes by that you aren't flipping through a book. One of your favorite books right now is "If You Give a Cat a Cupcake". Daddy and I like it when we get to the part where the cat goes to karate class. When I first read you this book I said "aaiiiyaaa" and did a karate chop after that part and it has stuck with you because you typically do this every time we come to that page.
*You still take an afternoon nap
*When you get up in the morning or from a nap you don't need any type of warm up time you are just up and on the go. You are like the energizer bunny and just keep going, going, going until we put you to bed at night.
*You don't have a lot of patience and do not take to well to us telling you no or you not getting your way. If this occurs you either let out a scream, stomp your foot, hit yourself or something close by or a combination or mixture of any of the above.
*You love getting to help out in the kitchen or just about anywhere for that matter. Just assign you a task and you are ready to pitch in and be a helper. I love it when you say "Caleb, helper"
*Some of your various sayings/sentences are "hold you, hold me", "so good", "no, sir" (it doesn't matter if you are a girl or a boy everyone is sir to you), "Dada, work"
*You are obsessed with drums and can't get enough of them right now. You love watching the end scene of Drumline where the two percussion sections are battling it out.
*We are not necessarily in full fledged potty training mode but we have started sitting you on it every now and then. Saturday when you were sitting on your potty chair you kept looking down in the potty and saying "pee, pee where is it". I must have mentioned to you something about keep trying because you finally looked at me and said "pee, pee where is it I trying". You pee peed on the potty Friday and Saturday morning and Sunday evening.
*You can count to 12
*You don't know your colors but if we ask you what color something is you at least respond with the name of a color.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Hmmm.....who's the sucker? Looks like I got played by a not quite 2 year old. Needless to say he had no problem whatsoever eating both the dum dum and mini tootsie roll pop that he insisted he didn't want.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Up and Over
A little Father/Son tag team action
Friday, October 9, 2009
Coupon - Buy One Dozen Eggs, Get One Free

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Day 1 - It's All About Baby Steps

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Quick and Easy Recipe
Pepperoni Pasta
8 oz. angel hair pasta
3 oz. pepperoni slices
3 T. olive oil
1 can sliced black olives (optional)
1 large can diced tomatoes
1/4 c. grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1/2 tsp. salt
Cook pasta.
Meanwhile, combine other ingredients. Drain pasta; mix with tomato sauce and toss to coat.
It seriously takes me longer to boil the water for the pasta than it does to put the dish together. For those of you that were part of "Team Cameron" this is great way to use the mini pepperoni that we received in our goodie bags.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Team Cameron
Monday, August 17, 2009
Family Time
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day Daddy!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Way Back When-esday
Timeline: 8-3-08
Timeline: 6-6-09
Don't worry we have since purchased a little larger pool since the last picture so that he will have a little more room to splash around this summer.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Summer Nights
We decided to be a little lazy and instead of taking Caleb upstairs to the bathtub we just did a quick little sponge bath in the kitchen sink. This is something we haven't done in a long time so Caleb had to be sure and touch and mess with everything that was within arms reach.
Nana and Papa emailed us some pictures of his play date today with Madeline and pics of him playing in the sprinkler at their house. Caleb must of had me scroll through those pictures 7 or 8 times while he told me a story about each picture. Every time I would go to close out the program he would let me know that he wasn't done looking at them yet.
He went right to sleep tonight and didn't make a peep after David put him in his crib. David and I went then back outside and sat and listened to the sprinklers water the shrubs. It may sound silly but it's super relaxing and sounds like a nice little rainfall.
Ahhhh, nothing like summer nights.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
See Spot Run

I think I actually liked it better than The Da Vinci Code and have heard that Angels and Demons was better as a movie than The Da Vinci Code. For my next pick I've selected The Shack. So, what are you reading this summer that you recommend?