Monday, August 17, 2009

Family Time

Tonight we enjoyed a little family time in the kitchen. Caleb started out a little fussy when we first got home so I decided to include him in getting dinner ready.

He had a good time helping David and I put toppings on the pizza and quickly forgot about throwing a fit. He is such a great little helper and who knows may have a future in the pizza business.

Viola, the finished product!
Since pizza making went so well we decided to make some snickerdoodle cookies while we were at it. I don't think I've actually ever made snickerdoodle cookies so I got to experience a first with Caleb.

They were "Mmmm.........good" as Caleb says and will definitely be something we make again.


  1. He looks so big in these pictures...

  2. Oh, so you guys are alive - whew! Good to know! We need to get together! Do I see a new table/chairs in the background? Looks good!

  3. Such a good helper. Kate loves to cook too!

  4. yay! what fun. I was kind of wondering if you were alive myself. Hope all is going well. Love you guys.
