Monday, January 19, 2009

Good Day

Today was a good day, not because someone came to visit, not because we had somewhere special to go but because I had the day off and got to hang out with Caleb. I love days like today when he just smiles and laughs all day, when he takes both of his naps without any fuss, when we don't have anywhere we have to rush around to get to on time but when we just get to hang out together. He woke up in a snugly mood from his nap this afternoon, which I love, and we just hung out in his room for a while and snuggled and read some books. He thought it was funny when we were reading the touch and feel farm book and I would rub the fur on his nose and toes. He kept taking the book and gesturing for me to rub it on his toes again and would just smile and laugh. He helped me take the clothes out of the dryer, hung out with me while I swept the floors, enjoyed doing puzzles and thought it was fun to eat animal crackers together in the kitchen floor. He loves it when I tickle him and has the best little smile and laugh. I just love days like today and hope that I never forget them. Today was a good day! I love you Caleb.


  1. so sweet! i miss days like that when their sweet innocence shined through. sounds precious!

  2. That is so neat! I love days like that. Hims a pretty puppy!
